First started drawing this little fella with the intent to make a tutorial on how to draw a dragon. Ended up making a tiny illustration loop out of it instead.

Almost 20 years ago I went to art school for one entire term. Dreamed of being a 3d animator. I remember I took a “computer” class in which I fully expected to be taught something useful. Instead they taught us how to set up an online e-mail account.

I kid you not.

One entire class devoted to setting up a gmail account.

The final was to create a PowerPoint presentation. About anything. Because I wanted to animate, my power point was a bunch of crudely stitched together PowerPoint shapes that made the form of a rocket blowing something up. I don’t remember how many slides it took, but suffice it to say, the time it took to make that 5 second PowerPoint was very disproportionate. That was the closest I got to producing any art in an art school. Some day I’ll tell you the story about the “math” class. It’s a doozie.

Anyway, I still love animation, but know very little about it, except that it is very hard.

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