I recently updated my kitchen backsplash. I had never done tile before. It was a lot of work, and while I’m glad to say it turned out pretty good, it was one of those projects that, since I really didn’t know what I was doing, every decision was stressful. I crashed every day I worked on it… probably not because the work was actually tiring, but my brain just couldn’t keep up.

I learned a new term during that project: precision fatigue. I had to keep reminding myself: no matter how tired you get, don’t slack on making it look right. You can’t change it once it’s done. And you’ll regret it every time you see a crooked tile.

Luckily, because I am so very wise, I saved the hardest part of the job for last so I was nice and tired and precision fatigue was setting in big time right when I couldn’t afford to let it. I remember I cut one tile probably a dozen or more times. I finally cut it too short and had to start with a new piece. I proceeded to cut that one probably another 7 times.

All this is to say, we all get precision fatigue from time to time. Or maybe just fatigue. And for sure fatigue fatigue (i.e. tired of being tired). Things we usually enjoy, things we know are important, things we want to do are just hard.

And sometimes that makes us feel weak.

But you’re not weak.

You’re human.

When you feel it coming on, don’t be afraid to slow down and rest. It’s not very productive to keep swinging a dull ax.

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